The purpose of this Complaints and Appeals Procedure is to establish a transparent and fair process for addressing and resolving complaints and appeals raised by certified companies or other stakeholders regarding Fair Trade Certification Pakistan’s (FTCP) certification decisions, assessments, or related matters.
1.1 Complaint:
An expression of dissatisfaction with Fair Trade Certification Pakistan’s services, decisions, or actions.
1.2 Appeal:
A formal request by a certified company or stakeholder for a review of a Fair Trade Certification Pakistan decision.
2.1 Submission:
Complaints or appeals must be submitted in writing to Fair Trade Certification Pakistan within fifteen (7) working days of the event or decision that is the subject of the complaint or appeal.
2.2 Information Required:
Submissions should include detailed information about the nature of the complaint or appeal, relevant documentation, and contact details for communication.
3.1 Receipt Confirmation:
Fair Trade Certification Pakistan will acknowledge receipt of the complaint or appeal within seven (7) working days.
3.2 Preliminary Review:
A designated committee will conduct a preliminary review to determine the validity and scope of the complaint or appeal.
4.1 Assignment of Investigator:
An impartial investigator will be assigned to conduct a thorough investigation into the complaint or appeal.
4.2 Communication with Stakeholders:
The investigator may request additional information from relevant parties and will keep all stakeholders informed of the progress.
4.3 Resolution:
Fair Trade Certification Pakistan will strive to resolve the complaint or appeal within thirty (30) days of receiving all necessary information.
5.1 Notification:
The decision and resolution will be communicated in writing to the complainant or appellant.
5.2 Appeal of Decision:
If dissatisfied with the resolution, the complainant or appellant has the right to appeal the decision within seven (7) days.
6.1 Appointment of Appeals Panel:
An independent Appeals Panel will be appointed to conduct a thorough review of the appeal.
6.2 Review Meeting:
The Appeals Panel may hold a meeting with relevant stakeholders, if necessary, to gather additional information.
6.3 Decision on Appeal:
The Appeals Panel will issue a final decision on the appeal within thirty (30) days of completing the review.
7.1 Notification:
Fair Trade Certification Pakistan will communicate the final decision to the appellant in writing.
8.1 Documentation:
All documentation related to complaints and appeals, including decisions and resolutions, will be retained for record keeping purposes.
9.1 Review and Analysis:
Fair Trade Certification Pakistan will periodically review complaints and appeals data to identify areas for improvement in its processes.
10.1 Confidentiality Obligation: – Fair Trade Certification Pakistan and all parties involved in the complaints and appeals process shall maintain confidentiality to the extent permitted by law.